Transfer Pricing

AC also has extensive experience in the analysis and preparation of transfer pricing procedures and documents for Italian and non-resident Clients.

Our Professionals specialized in transfer pricing have solid tax and economic-business experience, and support Client in the resolution of issues related to transfer pricing, by analyzing and revising procedures and adopting intercompany transfer pricing policies that are efficient from a tax standpoint and compliant with Italian and foreign laws and regulations.

The services provided by our transfer pricing team include:

  • the preliminary functional analysis
  • support in activities for the determination and analysis of benchmark based upon research on comparable companies using national and international databases
  • the selection of the most appropriate method for determining transfer prices
  • the planning of more efficient group policies
  • the preparation of the entire set of documentation in support of transfer pricing polilcies of multinational groups (“Master files” and “National documentation”)
  • support in the assessment of impacts deriving from OECD recommendations and the future implementation of the DEPS project.


Marilena Biella

Marilena Biella


Roberto Rizzuto

Roberto Rizzuto
