AC has extensive experience in the area of bankruptcy, insolvency proceedings and debt restructuring procedures.
The Firm assists Clients in various phases of financial difficulties, in the context of debt restructuring transactions, insolvency proceedings (Bankruptcy, Compositions with creditors, Restructuring Agreements pursuant to art. 182-bis of the Bankruptcy Law, Recovery Plans pursuant to art. 67 of the Bankruptcy Law, Tax Settlements pursuant to art. 182 ter of the Bankrutpcy Law, Composition Proceedings in crisis situations deriving from overindebtedness pursuant to Law no. 3, 27 January 2012) and in the related legal proceedings.
The assistance offered by AC’s professionals covers all phases of financial crises and all matters related to the management of relationships with lending institutions, bankruptcy bodies or pre-bankruptcy bodies, including in the context of contractual negotiations, all handling all related tax and legal aspects and offering optimal solutions.
This practice area also includes assistance in legal proceedings involving bankruptcy bodies, making available its expertise in substantive and procedural law mainly in the context of clawback actions and liability actions against directors and statutory auditors.

Marilena Biella

Chiara Colonetti

Monica Biella