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Tax Alert
Right to VAT Deduction: the impact of Circular no. 1/E of 17 january 2018
Wednesday 17 January 2018 Circular no. 1 of 17 January 2018 through which the Revenue Agency analyzes - and resolves -...
Tax Alert
Tax addendum to the Budget Law 2018
Law no. 172 of 4 Decemberr 2017, converting the tax decree related to the Budget Law 2018, in force since 5 December...
Tax Alert
Country-by-country Report (known as CBCR) in the Tax return 2017 year 2016
Abstract; Country-by-country Report; Data requested; Operational aspects; Sanctioning regime; Recent...
Tax Alert
Recent Changes concerning the notion of a permanent establishment
The reforms introduced by the Multilaterla BEPS Treaty, which was signed by Italy on 7 June 2017, there is also a new...
Tax Alert
Changes in the legal framework on VAT deposits
Art. 4 paragraph 7 of Draft Law No. 193 of 22.10.2016, converted by Law no. 225 of 1.12.2016, amended the legal...